Manage stress and anxiety

What are stress and anxiety

Anxiety is the feeling generated by the idea of not being able to cope with a situation.
When we don't know how to handle a problem, worry and uncertainty give rise to anxiety. Stress (from English effort) is the result of overstressing our body.
When we subject ourselves to prolonged efforts beyond the normal tolerance threshold, stress is generated. ”Anxiety is not always harmful, if contained and controlled it can be useful in countering apathy. […] In this perspective, anxiety is a positive and vital phenomenon because it pushes man towards action, knowledge, understanding, competitiveness, creativity "by Professione Manager, Antonello Goi, Franco Angeli.-

Techniques against anxiety

It is possible to fight anxiety by trying to break down the problem or goal into small parts that, taken in isolation, generally tend to be less difficult than the goal in its entirety.
1) Make a list of activities,
2) Sort them by priority,
3) Carry out the activities as per priority; by Profession Manager, Antonello Goi, Franco Angeli.

Manager: do not vent your anxieties on collaborators as it is neither productive (demoralizing and demotivating) nor correct, the flow must rise upwards.
