Digital skills

Today we talk about digital skills.

Digital skills have become a vital competitive factor for companies.

Digital skills are divided into IT technical skills and managerial skills.

IT technical skills

Technical IT skills range from basic knowledge of HTML to IT security

  • HTML is the acronym for hyper text markup language, together with CSS, XML and Javascript are the most used languages for the creation of websites, at least basic knowledge of these languages, but above all "what they are for" is essential to digital and e-commerce manager to effectively manage digital channels.
  • The knowledge of digital image formats and the management of media via the Internet also include technical digital skills. For example, the knowledge of image formats such as jpeg and webp allows you to create websites that are graphically appealing and at the same time quick to load both on desktop devices and smart phones.
  • The IT technical skills also include SEO or search engine optimization skills, which consists in adopting criteria for creating web pages that are easily readable by both users and search engines such as google. Give your site a try.

Managerial digital skills

Managerial digital skills range from understanding digital KPIs to legal aspects such as the correct processing of personal data

  • Legal expertise: privacy and data processing, data collection and management of consent to data processing
  • Understanding of digital metrics for measuring the results of marketing activities such as digital advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing
  • Understanding and use of e-commerce related metrics, conversion rate, return rate, units per transactions and others. See all 15 most important metrics in this article.

Digital skills in the fashion field

This image summarizes the main skills necessary for a fashion company to manage its digital sales channels and its online presence.

An example of digital managerial skills: the traffic acquisition plan.

The ability to create a traffic acquisition plan with related ones KPI it is essential for a digital manager

Why are digital skills essential for companies?

Digital skills are those that allow the management of digital sales channels, from e-commerce sites to marketplaces. Furthermore, digital skills such as digital marketing, digital advertising and social media marketing are essential today to reach their current and potential consumers. Therefore, without digital skills in the company, most B2C companies risk losing competitiveness and market share.

How to map the digital skills needed by the company.

The way to fully and without excessively map the digital skills needed by the company is to use the digital value chain.

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