The management of project problems in project management: the 'issues'

Although it is inadvisable to use English terms in an Italian speech both in the common language and in the company, there are some terms that would be good to know and use, especially in the context of project management. One of these terms is the "issue" in Italian question.

The term issue can be used to represent numerous concepts in Italian:

  • Need
  • Problem
  • Request
  • Question

The issue list

The issue list is a list of things to do or a table that summarizes all the things to do, it can be software features to be implemented, management and organizational problems to be solved, entire projects or simply questions that need to be answered.

The issue list applied to project management is divided into various types of "logs":

  • Risk log (waterfall)
  • Changes log
  • Backlog (agile)

The “template” model for an issue list

The model to follow for the issue list can be very simple at the beginning and can be enriched along the way with necessary information specific to the company or project in which it applies. The basic information is as follows:

Missing procedures
Stakeholder risk
Product feature late
The issue list template

The following information can be added:

  • Issue ID number
  • Closing date
  • Person in charge of managing the issue

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