CEOs are often curious about digital marketing and they seem to be fascinated by SEO

קידום אתרים עבור מנהלי מערכות מידע

Introduzione alla SEO per i CEO Quello che i CEO devono sapere della SEO Search Engine Optimisation è: La SEO porta traffico qualificato sul sito a costo inferiore alla pubblicità e in maniera più duratura rispetto al performance marketing Servono contenuti per cui l’azienda si deve impegnare a creare contenuti di tipo editoriale. Non è solo un questione tecnica ma coinvolge anche gli uffici comunicazione delle aziende* In particolare l’ultimo punto credo sia degno di una riflessione: in più di […]

קידום אתרים עבור מנהלי מערכות מידע קרא עוד "

80% of internet researches are done on Google

SEO l’ottimizzazione per non addetti ai lavori

SEO Search Engine Optimization – per non SEO people e per manager d’azienda. Questo articolo costituisce un breve vademecum per manager di azienda su cosa aspettarsi e come gestire un progetto SEO in azienda. Domande a cui questo articolo risponde: Perché è importante? Come sapere se il mio prodotto o marchio è tra i primi posti su Google? Come fare un SEO check up del proprio sito? Che risultati bisogna attendersi? SEO in house o outsourcing? SEO Quali competenze tenere

SEO l’ottimizzazione per non addetti ai lavori קרא עוד "

איך להתחיל לרוץ

Have you always wanted to take up running? Perhaps you tried but you felt badly and abandoned the project? I was in the same situation too few year ago, I started running but all I got was sore knees and frustration. Then I finally improved and now I am able to run about 8KM in 40 minutes with hardly any training. First of all, what (medical) experts suggest is to start walking for 45 minutes and see if you can make

איך להתחיל לרוץ קרא עוד "


Twitter: 3 reasons why it’s important for work and how to use it (read in 5 minutes)

Some people asked me recently why do I use more Twitter than Facebook or Instagram. Well… the answer is: Twitter works much better for my type of Job. I am a Digital and E-commerce professional in the Fashion Industry. 3 reasons why First. You get immediately the updates on your smart phone. This means that you can receive the news from your competitors or suppliers or clients immediately on your phone as soon as they publish them on Twitter. Second. The

Twitter: 3 reasons why it’s important for work and how to use it (read in 5 minutes) קרא עוד "

ניהול עם אופי

Is there a relationship between strong character and business performance? Can integrity and empathy lead to better management? According to a recent research by Fried Kiel (KRW), YES! In an article called Measuring the return on character based on the research by Kiel,  recently published on the Harvard Business Review (link) they show the connection between 4 character traits and business results. In a nutshell the finding of this reasearch is that managers who show Integrity, Responsibility, Forgiveness and Compassion

ניהול עם אופי קרא עוד "

אחד ממתכוני המתחילים האהובים עליי: סרטני מלך חריפים עם ג'ינג'ר ושום

This recipe is one of the series healthy>quick>cheap ones. The prawns are good for you because they are low fat and rich in good proteins, check out nutritional facts about prawns here. They are also reasonably priced. To make a good starter for 2 people you only need 200 gr. The ingredients are: Fresh king prawns (or shrimps) 200 grams (7 oz.) Garlic 1 clove, cut thinly Chilly pepper: 1 little one, or half if big Curcuma powder and fresh gingercut thinly

אחד ממתכוני המתחילים האהובים עליי: סרטני מלך חריפים עם ג'ינג'ר ושום קרא עוד "

איך לצאת מאזור הנוחות שלך בביטחון

The necessity to leave our comfort zone in order to achieve more is nowadays considered a must do. In management discussions online and off-line everybody says you must leave your comfort zone, because your comfort zone is what is keeping you from changing your old habits and achieve more in life and work. I am not saying that’s not true: I am always searching for new things to experiment with, and looking for innovations. I also believe taking risks is a fundamental part of

איך לצאת מאזור הנוחות שלך בביטחון קרא עוד "

שפר באופן דרמטי את הפרה-יד שלך עם מיקום המשקל הנכון

I am constantly trying to improve my tennis technique. Recently I made this discovery: you can actually hit a killer forehand standing on one foot. Guess which one it is? See picture below for the correct answer   So the next time you train or practice with your mate, try to balance the weight on the right foot before hitting the forehand. In order to do that you will need to preprare the position correctly with an approaching step, then you can

שפר באופן דרמטי את הפרה-יד שלך עם מיקום המשקל הנכון קרא עוד "

איך להכין עוגת תפוחים איטלקית נהדרת

Apple cake is definitively one of my favourites! To make a great italian apple cake it’s super easy. Get 4 apples, 180 grams of 00 flour, 50 grams of butter, 170 grams of sugar, 16 grams of yeast, 200 ml of semi-skimmed milk, 4 eggs, 1 lemon zest grated. You need a pan for cakes, 30 cm diameter. The width determines how long you will need to cook it for. The larger the pan, the thinner the cake will be,

איך להכין עוגת תפוחים איטלקית נהדרת קרא עוד "

3 underestimated skills that will help you get ahead in business

1) Pragmatism. The ability to be pragmatic or in other words the ability to find practical solutions in complex situations. Not always a high level approach will solve you problems. One day my boss told me “I am impressed with your ability to think low level”. I didn’t know wether to take it as a compliment or to be offended, but I think she meant it as a positive skill I showed. 2) Attention to detail. Devil is in the

3 underestimated skills that will help you get ahead in business קרא עוד "