Italian - English project management

Scope è uguale a Ambito, Deliverable è simile a prodotto

It hasn't been so long since I started to look out into the world of project management, it was 2004, and since then I have never stopped, on the contrary ...

First I studied it in Italian, at least to understand what it was, at first it was not easy. I spent a week of full immersion with a PMI-style project manager (PMI read PiEmAi which stands for Project Management Institute) and every night it was a headache, until I understood the methodology.

Once the methodology was understood, everything became clearer, more logical and easier.

There is only one logic: you have to declare what you do before doing it!

Imagine playing a game of carom, the one with 18 balls, it might seem simple to throw in the middle of the pile and hope that a ball goes into the hole, after the ball has gone into the hole you declare "here, it was exactly what I wanted to do" . Here, this is not the method, if you know what I mean. If you want to manage a project with the project management approach, the approach is just the opposite. First study the possible solutions, then make a decision about which ball to hit and with what target, then hit it and try to get as close to the target as possible.

For this reason and given the keywords searched by the users of this site, I decided to deepen the project management aspects related to the English language.

Let's start with some definitions of the main terms used in project management in English and their meaning in Italian.

The Project Charter in plain English

The project charter is a document that roughly describes what the project consists of. It is a document that needs to be formally approved by the sponsor of the project as it is the document that formally authorizes the start of the project. Click here to learn more >>

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