Meeting checklist

Meeting checklist
Design Participation
Action Yup No Action Yup No
Has the goal been clearly set? Do I know the place where it will take place?
Have all the participants been identified? I have verified that I am definitely available on the day and time and I am able to achieve the place?
Does each participant also know the list of the others? Did I read the agenda and understand its objectives?
Have the day, place and time been identified? Am I aware of the names of the other players called?
Have the day, place and time been confirmed? Have I read the documentation sent to me?
Have the necessary documents been sent? Am I aware of the type of meeting (informative, mixed, consultative, decision-making)?
Are the necessary resources available? Am I clear why my presence is required?
Are there any conflicts of interest? Is it a problem within my reach?
Has the person to write the report been identified? Have I prepared everything I need to say (materials, data, cases, etc.)?
Antonello Goi, Profession Manager,
Franco Angeli

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