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How to leave your comfort zone with confidence

The necessity to leave our comfort zone in order to achieve more is nowadays considered a must do. In management discussions online and off-line everybody says you must leave your comfort zone, because your comfort zone is what is keeping you from changing your old habits and achieving more in life and work. I am not saying that's not true: I am always searching for new things to experiment with, and looking for innovations. I also believe taking risks is a fundamental part of […]

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Dramatically improve your forehand with the correct weight placement

I am constantly trying to improve my tennis technique. Recently I made this discovery: you can actually hit a killer forehand standing on one foot. Guess which one it is? See picture below for the correct answer   So the next time you train or practice with your mate, try to balance the weight on the right foot before hitting the forehand. In order to do that you will need to preprare the position correctly with an approaching step, then you can

Dramatically improve your forehand with the correct weight placement Read More »

Fitness for managers

How to make a great italian apple cake

Apple cake is definitively one of my favourites! To make a great italian apple cake it’s super easy. Get 4 apples, 180 grams of 00 flour, 50 grams of butter, 170 grams of sugar, 16 grams of yeast, 200 ml of semi-skimmed milk, 4 eggs, 1 lemon zest grated. You need a pan for cakes, 30 cm diameter. The width determines how long you will need to cook it for. The larger the pan, the thinner the cake will be,

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Home Cooking

3 underestimated skills that will help you get ahead in business

1) Pragmatism. The ability to be pragmatic or in other words the ability to find practical solutions in complex situations. Not always a high level approach will solve your problems. One day my boss told me “I am impressed with your ability to think low level”. I didn't know whether to take it as a compliment or to be offended, but I think she meant it as a positive skill I showed. 2) Attention to detail. Devil is in the

3 underestimated skills that will help you get ahead in business Read More »


Agile doesn't necessarily mean faster or cheaper

The agile approach to project management does not necessarily mean saving time or costs. The very idea that requirements can be continually refined contains within it the possibility of infinite work cycles and possible reworks with the consequent unpredictability of the completion times of a project. Agile is in fashion. It is an attractive concept according to which projects can be managed without the need to apply the principles and techniques of waterfall project management.

Agile doesn't necessarily mean faster or cheaper Read More »

Project Management
Pianificare efficacemente

5 rules to make plans that work

The best plans of mice and men fail. So stop working on the best plan possible and start working on a plan that will work! Rule number 1) Work on a simple plan rather than a complicated, over detailed and too long-term one. The plans that work should be logical, easy to understand by the people who have to implement them and they should be convenient to track for the project managers. REMEMBER: the project plan should only be as detailed as you are prepared to follow

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Project Management

Learn the serve in Top Spin with these 3 videos

Step 1 - Practice these two simple exercises to get the right topspin feel. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRaONZgUg-k&w=420&h=315] Step 2 - Follow the progression as shown in this video to develop the correct technique [youtube https://www.youtube. com / watch? v = nNvD7-KbcEA & w = 420 & h = 315] Step 3 - Learn to add power by bending your legs more and throwing the ball further into the court. A quick tennis serve is also the result of a softer arm. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZxK8YBJqNQ&w=420&h=315]

Learn the serve in Top Spin with these 3 videos Read More »

Fitness for managers

New Year's resolutions and how to make them happen

E’ arrivato il 2015… e quali sono i buoni propositi per quest’anno? Io ne ho almeno tre, ma quello che mi piace di più è questo: “make every day count!“, cioè fai in modo che ogni giorno conti, che ogni giorno contribuisca, anche solo in piccola parte, al raggiungimento di un obiettivo. Non deve passare un giorno in cui non abbia fatto nulla per raggiungere un obiettivo, sia esso in ambito lavorativo, familiare o personale. Può essere  ‘migliorare qualche cosa

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Time management. How to make the most of your time and be more productive

“Si.. capisco.. chi ha il tempo? ..chi ha il tempo? ..ma se non ce lo prendiamo mai il tempo, quando mai lo avremo il tempo?” La citazione qui sopra non è tratta da un libro di management ma bensì da Matrix Reloaded. Che cos’hanno in comune Matrix e la teoria manageriale? Probabilmente nulla, ma evidentemente la gestione del tempo è una questione che va ben al di là dell’ambiente di lavoro. Ecco quindi alcuni spunti di riflessione per una migliore

Time management. How to make the most of your time and be more productive Read More »


Have you ever wondered why projects fail? (english)

1.      Projects with realistic budgets and timetables don’t get approved. 2.      The more desperate the situation the more optimistic the progress report. 3.      A user is somebody who rejects the system because it’s what he asked for. 4.      The difference between project success and failure is a good PR company. 5.      Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn’t have to do it. 6.      Every failing, overly ambitious project, has at its heart a series of successful small ones trying

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