Stakeholders: who they are, how to manage them and why!

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The project stakeholders are all those who, impacted by the project for one reason or another, believe they have the right to have their say on some aspect of the project.

The mapping of stakeholders is a fundamental sub-process in project management and consists in listing the names of the project interlocutors on the basis of the function they belong to. Noting next to each one what must be communicated to him and when during the project.

Stakeholder management is a mandatory process in project management according to the PMI.

Stakeholder management begins in the start-up phase of the project. In fact, it is immediately necessary to understand who the interlocutors will have to say about the project with different objectives and different points of view.

Who are the stakeholders? Some examples

  • Sponsor
  • Project team members
  • Function manager
  • Providers
  • Customers
  • Users of the project product

Returning to the definition of stakeholders given at the beginning, in order to manage stakeholder expectations it is necessary to identify at least 4 types of stakeholders and manage their expectations in a different way.

  1. Interior in favor of the project
  2. Interior contrary to the project
  3. Outsiders in favor
  4. Opposing outsiders

For a project that was going through difficult phases and the interlocutors were many, I decided to create a list of key stakeholders to be convened periodically in order to decide on the fate of the project. Organizing a meeting where attendees could make decisions about change requests, resources, timing, and project purpose proved critical to the success of that project.


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